"Third BOD Meeting"


On 7th of April, 2023, JCI Surunga conducted its 3rd BOD meeting in the chairmanship of reigning President of JCI Surunga, JC Prabin Timsina.  Discussions were done on various agendas, that included about the next step for establishing Surunga Junior Jaycees,  about the events for Mother's Day and International Labour Day. Fourteen BOD members  were present in the meeting and the meeting also witnessed the presence of past president of JCI Surunga and the chief coordinator of Surunga Junior Jaycees Establishment Committee, JC Sarala Dahal Pokhrel. She also presented the report about the progress that is happening interms of establishing Surunga Junior Jaycees. In the same meeting,  the treasurer of 2022-JCI Surunga,  JC Mukta Karki handed over all the remaining financial details to the treasurer of 2023-JCI Surunga,  JC Menuka Uprety.  The meeting was held in Jaycees Hall from 5pm and lasted till 6pm.

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