Experience Sharing on Asia Pacific Conference (ASPAC) 2023


Experience/Knowledge Sharing Session is a new program that JCI Kirtipur has started to share the experiences and knowledge along with developing public speaking skills. On 13th July, our president organized an insightful experience/knowledge sharing session, recounting his remarkable trip to the Asia Pacific Conference (ASPAC). During the session, he passionately shared every intricate detail of the program, immersing us in the journey. From the captivating keynote speeches to the engaging workshops and networking events, we got a comprehensive understanding of the entire conference.

The president highlighted key takeaways and lessons learned from various sessions, shedding light on innovative ideas and best practices that can be implemented within our chapter. The session proved to be invaluable, inspiring us to strive for excellence and actively participate in similar international events in the future. We are now equipped with fresh perspectives and a deeper appreciation for the global impact of our work as members of JCI Kirtipur.

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