Handwashing Training Program


 Date: 2024/01/22

Location: Bandhana Progressive English School, Aalapot, Kageshwori Manohara-2

 Organized by: JCI Manohara

Introduction: JCI Manohara organized a comprehensive Handwashing Training Program at Bandhana Progressive English School in Aalapot, Kageshwori Manohara-2. This initiative aimed to promote proper hand hygiene practices among students, fostering a culture of health and well-being.


 Key Highlights:

 • The program emphasized the significance of proper handwashing techniques and its role in maintaining personal and community health.

 • Practical Demonstrations:

 • Practical demonstrations were conducted, illustrating effective handwashing methods, including the use of soap and water.

• Students actively participated, ensuring a hands-on learning experience that reinforced the importance of thorough hand hygiene.

 • Interactive Sessions:

• Interactive sessions encouraged students to ask questions and share their understanding of the importance of handwashing.

 • The program aimed to create a dialogue around health practices, promoting a sense of responsibility for one's well-being.

• Distribution of Hygiene Kits:

• Hygiene kits, including soap and informational materials, were distributed to students, enabling them to implement proper handwashing practices at home.

 • This practical aspect of the program extended its impact beyond the school environment.



Community Involvement:

 JCI Manohara actively engaged with teachers, parents, and the local community to ensure the sustainability of the handwashing initiative. Collaborative efforts were made to integrate these practices into daily routines at home and within the community. This Handwashing Training Program aligns with JCI's commitment to community health and education. By instilling proper hand hygiene habits in young minds, we contribute to building a healthier and more informed community.




This Handwashing Training Program aligns with JCI's commitment to community health and education. By instilling proper hand hygiene habits in young minds, we contribute to building a healthier and more informed community. The Handwashing Training Program at Bandhana Progressive English School was a successful endeavor to instill healthy habits among students. JCI Manohara remains dedicated to initiatives that empower communities through education and practical skills for a better and healthier future.

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